Friday, November 13, 2009

Daily Sketch 20

Here is one of the son watching TV. Poor boy. He had to stay home from school today because he has a cold. Not the worst thing in the world, but I still feel bad for him. He pretty much relaxed all day watching DVDs. We also watched an old classic via Netflix, the 1931 version of Dracula with Bella Lugosi. He thought it was OK.

Drawn with a Sharpie pen.


A tired retired recluse @ said...

Hmmmm... I have not tried sharpies, they always seem, well, so permanent, lol! Your drawings using one are great, your lines so true!

Unknown said...

I too commend your bravery using a permanent pen to do your sketches!

David R. Vallejo said...

Ha! Yes, sometimes they are too permenant! In one of my college drawing classes my professor didn't allow us to erase. That developed the idea that our drawings could be "corrected" by re-drawing rather than eliminating our marks. A close study of many of the Old Masters' drawings will find this concept taking place.

Unknown said...

Oh, I've definitely done my share of pen drawings, David! But, none are as clean as these! My re-drawn lines become too dominant! (just had the idea that maybe I could do the first lines in gray...)

Lynn said...

Great drawing! My sharpies are really growing on me. Each time I it, I like it more.

Timaree said...

Great sketch. Hope he's better by now.

Patty Ruthe said...

Love how you captured him all wrapped up. Nice sketch, great line work.