Sunday, July 18, 2010

Random Sketches

The first drawing of of my two cats Mr. Frodo and Samantha looking at birds through the front screen door. I think they must imagine how they might have fun chasing the birds. The second drawing is from a food court in a local mall. I really enjoy drawing candid pictures from life. The third is Mr. Frodo lounging on a chair.
Drawn with Prismacolor felt pens and a Sharpie.


Alex said...

Very nice sketches =)

Unknown said...

These are all very nice. I really like the food court one!

nanke's stuff said...

You really captured a lot in your mall sketch! I'm so impressed. As for the cats ... I could watch them all day (OK, maybe not All day, but a lot). They're so interesting. Very nice drawings of them .... I bet they love them! lol nancy