Thursday, August 11, 2011

Art Battle 2011 Prep

Here are some detail pics of a few studies that I have done as preparation for this year's Art Battle here in Stockton, California. Being that it is a competition, I'm only showing details so that I don't totally give out my ideas. Have to keep the actual composition a secret for now :) However, if you look closely, you can probably get a rough idea of what my art will focus on.

This year's theme for the Battle, which is being organized by JLI, is "Stockton is Magnificent". Speaking of battles, the theme of a magnificent Stockton seems to be an uphill battle, especially since Forbes Magazine listed it as the "Most Miserable City" in the US. Though I think that's a bad call for Forbes, I think the worst critics of Stockton is its own community. Stockton has a lot to offer with culture, the arts, sports, agriculture, and many other things, but the average Stocktonian is unaware of these things and too lazy to seek these things out, things that are right under their nose. If the perception changed in a more positive direction, and a little pride for the community developed, I think our city would thrive.

Rant, rant, rant! Now time to do some art!

1 comment:

Carin Winkelman said...

Looks like King Kong came to Stockton and means business! ;-)