Monday, August 10, 2009

Ringtail Lemur

This design is a drawing of a ringtail lemur that I will have my students do tomorrow. The first drawing is going to be shared with a kindergarten class (however, depending on how it goes, I probably not have them draw as much detail). The second drawing will be shared with 1st and 2nd graders. Though construction lines are a challenging concept for 1st and 2nd graders, I will see how they can handle it. As always, no pressure is put on students to get it "right". Should be fun.


Stephanie Vallejo said...

I like how you repeat the spiral. The kids will enjoy doing this project.

Aurileide Alves said...

Hope kids like it. How old are they?

David R. Vallejo said...

Stephanie, I might repeat a spiral theme throughout the 8 week session.
Aurileide, the kids had a great time with the lemur design. The youngest kids are probably 4 years old (close to 5) and the oldest are about 8 years old, kindergarten through 2nd grade.